Ms. Morgan J. Woods

Social Studies Department
Social Studies Teacher & Leadership Mentor
North Administration, Room 332
(631) 382-5202 FAX (631) 382-5203
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Friday, April 1, 2011

World War II Review - Exam, Wednesday, April 6th

World War II Review

Identify the following key terms:

Munich Conference
Benito Mussolini
Iwo Jima
Manhattan Project
50 Tin Cans
Lend-Lease Act
Kellogg-Braind Pact
Dawes Plan
El Alamein
Adolf Hitler
Korematsu v. United States
Pearl Harbor
Rosie the Riveter
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Good Neighbor Policy
Washington Conference

1.Identify the factors that lead to World War II in Europe.
2.Identify what led the United States’ entrance into World War II.
3.Explain how the United States mobilized for war.
4.Describe the Home Front during World War II. How did it affect women?
5.Explain why the Japanese in America were placed in internment camps. Identify the impact this had on Japanese Americans.
6.Analyze the background of Korematsu v. United States, identify what the decision was.
7.Explain what the Holocaust was and what relationship it had on America (think about American soldiers discovering camps), why is the Holocaust discussed each year?
8.Identify what D-Day is and why it is such an important event in World War II.
9.Describe the steps the United States took to win the war against Japan. Why was the Atomic Bomb used?
10.Identify how war crimes were dealt with after the war, in both Germany and Japan.
11.Explain the United Nations and why it was created.
12.Analyze why the US and Soviets cooperated during World War II despite their differences.
13.What was the importance of Israel being created after World War II?

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