Ms. Morgan J. Woods

Social Studies Department
Social Studies Teacher & Leadership Mentor
North Administration, Room 332
(631) 382-5202 FAX (631) 382-5203
Personal Website:

School Website:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Regents Prep Course

Long Island Regents Prep is offering one-day, six-hour, comprehensive review courses to help prepare students for the Regents Exams.

Held nearby at SUNY Farmingdale, and taught by NY State-certified teachers.

Prepare for the Regents Exam in:

Living Environment
Earth Science
Global History
U.S. History
Integrated Algebra
Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Comprehensive English

Each class is $135.

Students can register online by heading to

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Homework Due: Tuesday, May 17th

Homework: JFK, LBJ and Vietnam

Directions: Interview one of your family members or a friend of the family who lived during the 1960’s. You must include the first 5 answers, then you will choose 5 of the following questions, write in complete sentences. Include a scanned picture of the person you interviewed.

Must include:
1.Where did you live in the 1960/70’s?
2.What were some activities you and your family did at this time?
3.What kind of car did you or your parents drive?
4.What did you wear during this time? Explain your clothing style.
5.What type of music did you listen to? Name some bands or singers.

Choose 5 of the following questions to ask in addition:

6.How did you feel about the election of 1960 and Kennedy being elected. Explain your views of the televised presidential candidates debates. Can you remember some of the topics that were debated? If so, what were they?
7.Did Kennedy appeal to you or your family, if so how? If not, why not?
8.When Kennedy made his inaugural address, did it motivate you? If so, how so? If not, why not?
9.Describe how you felt when John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.Do you remember where you were? Can you describe the news at the time? Newspapers and TV? Explain your parents reactions?
10.Explain how you felt when Lyndon B. Johnson announced that the United States was going to send troops over to Vietnam.
11.If you watched or listened to the national draft, how did you feel watching it? Did it affect your family or anyone that you knew?
12.Explain your view of Vietnam during the 1960’s. Were you for or against the war, why?
13.Explain the atmosphere of the country, what did you watch on the T.V or listen to on the radio, both music and news.
14.Explain why President Johnson did not run for re-election.
15.Describe Nixon’s platform of the 1968 election. How did the country feel about Nixon?
16.Describe the country’s reaction to the soldiers coming home from Vietnam. How did you feel towards them, or how did your family feel.
17.Did you personally know someone that went to fight in Vietnam? If so what relation were they to you and how did you feel about it?
18.After the horror of My Lai reached Americans, describe your feelings.
19.Explain how you felt after hearing about the Tet Offensive. How did the country change after this?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Civil Rights Homework Due Friday, May 6th

Directions: Complete 2 out of the 4 questions. For extra credit complete a 3rd question of your choice. Must be done well!!!

1.Create a diary entry for an African American living in the Old Civil Rights movement. Chose from one of these events to write about: Birmingham Protest, Selma March, March on Washington, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Emmett Till Murder, Sit Ins. The diary should be at least 15 sentences long and include specifics from one of these events.
2.Write your own newspaper article about the New Civil Rights Movement. It should be at least 20 sentences long and cover at least one of the topics of The Black Panther Party, Malcolm X, Black Power, Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King Jr.’s death, Busing Riots. Be Creative!!!!!!!
3.Create your own cover for an issue of Ms Magazine. Include headlines that deal with both present day issues for women and past issues for women. Be Creative! It should be drawn on a piece of 8x10 paper.
4.Look in the newspaper, or online news sources for an issue dealing with minority civil rights today. Print or cut out the article and write a 10 sentence paragraph discussing the article and relating it to what we discussed about the minority civil rights movement in class.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Exam April 15, 2011

Review Sheet

Origins of the Cold War
Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference Division of Germany
Communism Capitalism NATO
Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine Containment
Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Warsaw Pact
Satellite Country

The Cold War at Home
Loyalty Review Boards Red Scare Hollywood
Arms Race Atomic Threat Alger Hiss
Duck and Cover Ethel & Julius Rosenberg
Senator Joseph McCarthy McCarthyism

The Korean War
38th Parallel Truman McArthur
Containment Eisenhower Doctrine
Be sure to be able to answer: Why did America become involved in the Korean War, give examples.

Television Conformity The Good Housewife Technology
Rock n Roll Books Art Business/ Roadways(Eisenhower)
Truman’s Fair Deal The Baby Boom GI bill Levittown

Prepare for both of these essays, they should be at least 3 paragraphs: intro, body and conclusion.
1. In your opinion, was the Cold War inevitable? If not, was the United States or the USSR more to blame? Provide examples.
2. Why has the Korean War often been called America’s “forgotten war”? What purpose did the war serve, and what impact did it have? Provide details to this answer.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cold War Homework

Due: Thursday, April 14th

Directions: Answer 2 out of the 3 questions.
1.Draw your own political cartoon on McCarthyism.
2.Write the “good housewife” text for present day wives, include 7 points.
3.Analyze the Cold War. Write a 10 sentence paragraph discussing what happened after World War II that lead us into the Cold War. Analyze what the term “Cold War” means. Explain how the Cold War changed society in the 1950’s: music, conformity, television.

Friday, April 1, 2011

World War II Review - Exam, Wednesday, April 6th

World War II Review

Identify the following key terms:

Munich Conference
Benito Mussolini
Iwo Jima
Manhattan Project
50 Tin Cans
Lend-Lease Act
Kellogg-Braind Pact
Dawes Plan
El Alamein
Adolf Hitler
Korematsu v. United States
Pearl Harbor
Rosie the Riveter
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Good Neighbor Policy
Washington Conference

1.Identify the factors that lead to World War II in Europe.
2.Identify what led the United States’ entrance into World War II.
3.Explain how the United States mobilized for war.
4.Describe the Home Front during World War II. How did it affect women?
5.Explain why the Japanese in America were placed in internment camps. Identify the impact this had on Japanese Americans.
6.Analyze the background of Korematsu v. United States, identify what the decision was.
7.Explain what the Holocaust was and what relationship it had on America (think about American soldiers discovering camps), why is the Holocaust discussed each year?
8.Identify what D-Day is and why it is such an important event in World War II.
9.Describe the steps the United States took to win the war against Japan. Why was the Atomic Bomb used?
10.Identify how war crimes were dealt with after the war, in both Germany and Japan.
11.Explain the United Nations and why it was created.
12.Analyze why the US and Soviets cooperated during World War II despite their differences.
13.What was the importance of Israel being created after World War II?

Friday, March 25, 2011

World War II Homework due April 1st

Homework: World War II
Directions: Answer 5 out of the following 10 questions (answers must be typed and in paragraph form - incomplete answers will not be given credit)

1.Analyze if America would have entered World War II if there was not an attack on Pear Harbor. Make sure to include what was going on while America was neutral.
2.If you were to dig up a time capsule from World War II, what artifacts would you find in it? Describe three.
3.Analyze the four political cartoons (that will be handed out in class on Monday Make sure to put them in context with World War II and analyze what each one was portraying to the American public.
4.Watch Dr. Seuss’s short film: “Your Job in Germany” (link: Then go to and look at his characters used in his children’s books. Describe how “Your Job in Germany” is different then the characters he used in his books. Why might they be so different? Keep in mind propaganda during World War II.
5.Analyze why the invasion of Normandy was the most successful planned attack in history.
6.Write a rap or poem about the Pacific Wars.
7.Analyze if there was not a bombed dropped on Hiroshima, would Japan have surrendered and do you think that the war would have ended regardless?
8.Go to the site: and answer the following questions:
Explain the United States perspective of Jews at the beginning of the war.
Analyze why Roosevelt started the War Refugee Board (WFB).
9.Write a paragraph (about 10 sentences) describing through the eyes of a women living in America during World War II. Keep in mind the changes that we discussed about the role of women in class.
10.Analyze the end of World War II. Discuss the conferences and trials and what affect they had on America.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Review Sheet - The Great Depression & The New Deal

The Great Depression & The New Deal Review

What economic change led to the economic boom of the 1920’s?
Why did Farmers fail to prosper during the 1920’s?
What were the reasons for the Great Depression?
How does Trickle Down (or Supply Side) economics work?
What did the term “rugged individualism” mean?
How did President Hoover believe that the Depression could be ended?
Why did FDR beat Hoover in the election of 1932?
What was the role of the government in the Depression according to Roosevelt?
What was the purpose of Relief program?
What was the purpose of Recovery programs?
What was the purpose of Reform programs?
What type of movies and books were popular during the Depression?
Who became the best known folk musician during the 1930’s?
What problems did FDR have with the Supreme Court? How did he try to solve those problems?
Why was FDR criticized for his plan to pack the Supreme Court?
Which program was created to prevent stock market abuses?
Which program was created to encourage people to deposit their money in banks? How did this program work?
How did the New Deal change the role of the Federal Government?
When did the Great Depression finally end?
What was the purpose of the Social Security Act?
In which region of the United States did the Dust Bowl develop in the 1930’s?
Which government program would be most helpful to people who lived in the Dust Bowl?
What happened to labor unions during the Great Depression?

New Deal Homework - Due Wednesday, March 23rd

Answer the following questions in paragraph form typed and CREATIVE with color (computer graphics or hand drawn) for the bumper sticker!

1. Describe the New Deal in your own words?

2. Create a bumper sticker for one of the New Deal programs discussed we have learned about. It should refer to the name of the program and show how the program was trying to address a problem during the Great Depression and / or help Americans affected by it.

3. Identify which New Deal programs would have most benefited your family? Provide two examples and explain how they may have helped you and/or your family.

4. How is The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus Package) passed by Congress & signed by President Obama in March 2009 similar to the New Deal?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Review - Imperalism & World War I

Review: Imperalism & World War I

What are the main causes of Imperialism? What led to America’s search for colonies?
Identify several reasons (immediate and underlying) for US involvement in the Spanish American War.
What was the Open Door Policy? Why did America want this policy?
What is yellow journalism? What role did this type of journalism play in the Spanish American War?
The US intervened in Latin American affairs more and more as the 20th century was beginning…why?
What caused the US to leave behind the policy of neutrality?
Identify reasons for US involvement in World War I:
At the beginning of World War I, how did President Wilson continue the traditional foreign policy of the US?
What was the United States’ relationship with Mexico during WWI? What document shaped this relationship?
How did the Fourteen Points proposed by President Woodrow Wilson inspire hopes for a fair settlement of World War I?
Identify a similarity between the US Articles of Confederation and the League of Nations.
Name the “Big Four” from the Treaty of Versailles convention and where they were from.
Explain the decision in Schenck v. United States. How did it impact the idea of personal freedoms in relation to the Constitution? What was the result?
According to the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, when did the US have the right to intervene in foreign affairs?
Explain in detail the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles (regarding Germany, League of Nations, etc).
Identify reasons for American support of the Allies upon entry into WWI.
What objection did many American senators have to the entering the League of Nations?
What was the main objective of Wilson’s 14 Points?
What was the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles in the US Senate was it approved or rejected? Why?