Ms. Morgan J. Woods

Social Studies Department
Social Studies Teacher & Leadership Mentor
North Administration, Room 332
(631) 382-5202 FAX (631) 382-5203
Personal Website:

School Website:

Friday, March 25, 2011

World War II Homework due April 1st

Homework: World War II
Directions: Answer 5 out of the following 10 questions (answers must be typed and in paragraph form - incomplete answers will not be given credit)

1.Analyze if America would have entered World War II if there was not an attack on Pear Harbor. Make sure to include what was going on while America was neutral.
2.If you were to dig up a time capsule from World War II, what artifacts would you find in it? Describe three.
3.Analyze the four political cartoons (that will be handed out in class on Monday Make sure to put them in context with World War II and analyze what each one was portraying to the American public.
4.Watch Dr. Seuss’s short film: “Your Job in Germany” (link: Then go to and look at his characters used in his children’s books. Describe how “Your Job in Germany” is different then the characters he used in his books. Why might they be so different? Keep in mind propaganda during World War II.
5.Analyze why the invasion of Normandy was the most successful planned attack in history.
6.Write a rap or poem about the Pacific Wars.
7.Analyze if there was not a bombed dropped on Hiroshima, would Japan have surrendered and do you think that the war would have ended regardless?
8.Go to the site: and answer the following questions:
Explain the United States perspective of Jews at the beginning of the war.
Analyze why Roosevelt started the War Refugee Board (WFB).
9.Write a paragraph (about 10 sentences) describing through the eyes of a women living in America during World War II. Keep in mind the changes that we discussed about the role of women in class.
10.Analyze the end of World War II. Discuss the conferences and trials and what affect they had on America.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Review Sheet - The Great Depression & The New Deal

The Great Depression & The New Deal Review

What economic change led to the economic boom of the 1920’s?
Why did Farmers fail to prosper during the 1920’s?
What were the reasons for the Great Depression?
How does Trickle Down (or Supply Side) economics work?
What did the term “rugged individualism” mean?
How did President Hoover believe that the Depression could be ended?
Why did FDR beat Hoover in the election of 1932?
What was the role of the government in the Depression according to Roosevelt?
What was the purpose of Relief program?
What was the purpose of Recovery programs?
What was the purpose of Reform programs?
What type of movies and books were popular during the Depression?
Who became the best known folk musician during the 1930’s?
What problems did FDR have with the Supreme Court? How did he try to solve those problems?
Why was FDR criticized for his plan to pack the Supreme Court?
Which program was created to prevent stock market abuses?
Which program was created to encourage people to deposit their money in banks? How did this program work?
How did the New Deal change the role of the Federal Government?
When did the Great Depression finally end?
What was the purpose of the Social Security Act?
In which region of the United States did the Dust Bowl develop in the 1930’s?
Which government program would be most helpful to people who lived in the Dust Bowl?
What happened to labor unions during the Great Depression?

New Deal Homework - Due Wednesday, March 23rd

Answer the following questions in paragraph form typed and CREATIVE with color (computer graphics or hand drawn) for the bumper sticker!

1. Describe the New Deal in your own words?

2. Create a bumper sticker for one of the New Deal programs discussed we have learned about. It should refer to the name of the program and show how the program was trying to address a problem during the Great Depression and / or help Americans affected by it.

3. Identify which New Deal programs would have most benefited your family? Provide two examples and explain how they may have helped you and/or your family.

4. How is The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus Package) passed by Congress & signed by President Obama in March 2009 similar to the New Deal?